Do You Want to Write a Book?

Have you ever said, “Someday, I’m going to write a book!”

But “Someday” never comes…

Or perhaps you shared a great story about your life and your friend said “You should write a book!”

Sound familiar? You are not alone. Many of us share this experience. I went through this for many years.

If you are anything like me, you’ve overcome a lot of difficulty in your life and along the way you’ve gained some wisdom. Writing is the perfect way to share that wisdom.

Whether you write a book, or write a blog that becomes a book, it’s good to get started. The world needs your wisdom!

Here’s the good news! Writing a book is easier than it seems, especially if you love to talk!

Getting Started

Sitting and staring at a keyboard for hours can be frustrating to say the least. Many of us have great ideas until we sit down to write or type. Then our brains go blank…

Luckily, there are ways around this. But before we get to that, let’s take a peek at how our brain works. The non-linear part of our brain, or the right brain, is full of inspiring and creative ideas. To get those ideas written, the right brain has to have an open channel to the linear part of our brain, or the left brain. The left brain enables us to type sequential words on our keyboard. Making this connection from the creative brain to the linear brain can be challenging, to put it mildly…

When I got a contract to write my first book, I was terrified. One trick I discovered for opening the ‘writing’ channel was to just start typing whatever was on my mind. For example, the first page often looked like this: “I don’t know what to write. I have not ideas coming through. I can’t seem to write what I need to write.” Well, you get the idea.

I finally discovered that this process was connecting the two sides of my brain. So eventually, the real stuff started coming through. I encourage you to try it!

If you try it and still feel stuck, don’t worry! Here’s the…

Best Writer’s Hack Ever!

In my opinion, this technique is the easiest way to write a book. And you can do it for free if you have some support. Here’s what you do:

Create an outline of your chapters – just a simple layout of the main ideas that you want to cover in your book.
For each chapter, write up some questions that will be answered in that chapter.
Ask someone to sit down and ask you the questions. Record your answers. If you have a lot of content, break this into several sessions.
Transcribe your answers or record into a software that transcribes your words automatically.
Format and edit your writing into a written style (or pay someone else to do this)
Voila! Your book is done!

I’ll cover publishing in a future article.

If you are drawn to share your wisdom, a book or blog is a great way to start. Learn more about writing a book and other ways to share your wisdom in my free Master Class coming up on August 19th! Protirement™: Your Second Act with Purpose, 4 Steps to Share Your Wisdom. Click here for more information.

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